At Dr. Sonal Kapoor Physiotherapy Clinic, we care for you, we care for your thoughts, emotions and relationships… THE RESULT YOU WANT. THE CARE YOU DESERVE.
The main aim of Pediatric rehabilitation is to restore or improve function and maximize quality of life. Our physiotherapists diagnose, develop treatment plans, and lead a comprehensive rehabilitation team in creating and delivering effective individualized treatment programs.
A neurological disorder that affects individual’s movement, muscle tone and motor skills. Cerebral Palsy is caused by abnormal development or any damage to the parts of the brain that controls balance, movements and postures. Generally the problems occur during pregnancy. However, during childbirth or shortly after birth this problem may occur. Other medical issues associated with cerebral palsy include: Speech problems, Learning disabilities, Problems with hearing and vision.
Symptoms may vary among different groups with this disorder.
- Speech problems
- Seizures
- Irregular breathing
- Increased drooling
- Unbearable Pain in adults
- Difficulty sucking or feeding in infants
- Problems swallowing (at all ages)
- Vomiting
Delayed milestone is when any child does not develop skills according to their age at expected time. Each and every child is different has their own development space. For example: Some child start speaking at the age of 3, while others start speaking after 5. Some babies start walking around 9 months while another do so after 14 months.
But if your child is continually lagging behind certain development markers, then he may have developmental delay.
- Social/Emotional (smiling, interacting with parents).
- Cognitive (thinking, learning).
- Language/Communication (speaking, responding to name).
- Movement/physical development (crawling, walking).
In some cases, a developmental delay can be a symptom of other underlying medical conditions, like autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy etc. Physiotherapy will help a child’s development including gross motor skills such as mobility, muscle strength, joint flexibility and balance and fine motor skills such as grip strength and handwriting.
Hydrocephalus is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within cavities in the brain called ventricles
Cerebrospinal fluid normally flows through the ventricles and bathes the brain and spinal column. But the pressure of too much cerebrospinal fluid associated with hydrocephalus can damage brain tissues and cause a range of impairments in brain function.
Hydrocephalus can happen at any age, but it occurs more frequently among infants and adults 60 and over
Common signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus in infants include:
- An unusually large head
- A rapid increase in the size of the head
- A bulging or tense soft spot (fontanel) on the top of the head
- VomitingSleepines
- Poor feeding
- Seizures
- Eyes fixed downward (sunsetting of the eyes)
- Deficits in muscle tone and strength
- Poor responsiveness to touch
- Poor growth
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome.
People with Down Syndrome are born with an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are bundles of genes, and your body relies on having just the right number of them. With Down syndrome, this extra chromosome leads to a range of issues that affect you both mentally and physically.Down syndrome is a lifelong condition.
- Flattened face
- Small head
- Short nec
- Excessive flexibility
- Tiny white spots on the colored part (iris) of the eye called Brushfield’s spots
- Short height
- Protruding tongue
- Upward slanting eye lids (palpebral fissures)
- Unusually shaped or small ears
- Poor muscle tone
- Broad, short hands with a single crease in the palm
- Relatively short fingers and small hands and feet
- Speech Therapy.
- Mobility.
- Increased muscle strength.
- Helps in joint flexibility and balance.
- Fine motor skills such as grip strength and handwriting.
- Stretching.
- Resisted band and ball exercises.
- Mat exercises.
- Neuro facilitation techniques.
Apart from basic Pediatric Rehabilliation, Dr. Sonal Kapoor Physiotherapy Clinic provides other treatments as well.